Gucci in our opinion is an example of simplicity and elegance. Simplicity in this case does not mean lack of detail and quality. It means a classic approach to presentation of fabric, leather, hardware and overall design. Because of the simplicity in design, fake Gucci handbags could fool even a discriminating buyer if one doesn't look closely at the details. Everything in a Gucci bag should be perfect, or as close to perfect as an item can be given human involvement in its manufacture.
Gucci Leather Cuts - Look closely at the cut of the leather especially around the interior zippered pocket if the particular item has that feature. The cut should be exact all the way around the pocket. The length between the stitching and the edge of the leather should be the same all the way around as well. Any other leather cuts, such as the leather tabs that support the D rings on some of the Gucci styles, should also be quite perfect.
Gucci Controllato Card - This card, present with all Gucci products, really doesn't help distinguish an authentic piece because it doesn't contain a serial number or other marking unique to the bag to which it accompanies. The only thing to look for here is that the card itself is correct in font and placement of the words. Gucci is always in all capitals letters, 'GUCCI', and is centered at the top of the card in a dark grey background. Underneath that in a white background is the word. 'controllato' in all lower case letters. Again, this word is centered on the card. Underneath 'controllato' are the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. The back of the card is blank.
Gucci Care Card - The only other item that accompanies each piece is a three-panel folding care card. 'GUCCI' is on the front. When the card is opened, care instructions appear from left to right on the 3 interior panels first in Italian, then French, then Chinese. Care instructions appear in English on the backside of the Chinese panel. One note is that we've also seen a Gucci care card with Italian first, English next, French third and two Eastern languages on the back of the French.
Gucci Dust Bag - We have seen two versions of the Gucci dust bag. Both have drawstring closures. The first is a blend of materials with a satin feel and sheen. The print on the bag is the GG logo with the second G upside down. It is dark brown in color. The interior of this bag has the same print but has a cotton feel. Look at the interior tag stitched into the lining. It is a white tag and should say 'GUCCI made in italy 63% vl 37% pl', representing the blend of materials of the dust bag. The second dust bag is a solid light brown in color with GUCCI in gold across the front. The interior tag is black and says 'GUCCI - made in italy', in a blue/grey color on the front, and 100% COTONE COTTON on the back of the tag.
Gucci Serial Number Tag - Here is the only distinguishing feature unique to each Gucci piece. There is always a leather tag on the interior of the bag just below the interior zippered pocket if the bag has such a pocket. If it doesn't have an interior pocket this tag is still stitched where an interior pocket would typically be. At the top of the tag is the symbol. Below that it says "GUCCI", and below that, "made in italy". The tag itself is leather and the color is the same as the leather finishing that is typical in a Gucci item. On the back of the tag is the style/model number and a 4 or 6 digit serial number. This is all stamped into the leather.
Gucci Zippers - Unfortunately there isn't much help here in determining authenticity. There are typically no distinguishing characteristics such as the zipper manufacturer name as one would see on a Marc Jacobs bag for instance. And, the zippers may be made of metal or plastic. Simply make sure the zippers are sewn in straight and work properly. Note - On some Gucci bags, such as the Crescent Bag where the zipper follows the contour of the design in a half moon shape, the zipper is quite difficult to open and close all the way. Make sure the bag works for you from a utility perspective. If any bag, designer or not, doesn't fit your life style and makes its use difficult, rethink and always get a bag that works better for how you want to use it.
In order to describe authenticity features of Prada handbags and totes, one has to remain general in description. Unlike Marc Jacobs which has a very distinctive "Marc Jacobs" look, Prada makes a myriad of different styles and shapes, and uses many different materials in the manufacture of its bags, wallets, totes, etc. There are some commonalities however, that we'll discuss here.
Prada authenticity cards - Your Prada should come with two (2) or three (3) cards depending on the material of which the item is made. One is a plastic card about the size of a credit card. The front has the famous Prada logo and the statement 'Certificato di autenticita - Authenticity certificate card'. The back of the card has a magnetic strip, just like a credit card. It also has the model number (ART.), the name of the style (MATERIALE), and the color (COLORE). This is all in Italian. For example, BR1594 (ART.), VITELLO DAINO B. (MATERIALE), NERO (COLORE). Notice that this is printed in all capital letters.
Below the specifics for the bag is the statement both in Italian and English, 'This Prada product is granted a guarantee covering all manufacturing defects'. Below this statement are two boxes or areas for the retailer to place their name and the date of the sale. We hardly ever see a retailer fill this out, however.
The second card is similar to what you might see in a Fendi bag. It's a thick black paper card with the Prada logo embossed on the front and the same information we described for the plastic card on the back. However, it also has a bar code and the model number followed by a serial number. On some Prada cards there are two bar codes with serial numbers. These two cards come inside a small envelope with the Prada logo and with 'CERTIFICATO DI AUTENTICITA' (also in English) embossed on the front.
The third card is not present with all Prada bags depending on the materials with which the bag was made. If your Prada has a third card it is a material care card. It is black as well, is folded in the middle and presents this information in nine Western and Asian languages.
Prada dust bag - The dust bag or sleeper bag with a draw string closure is white cotton with the Prada logo in black printed on the front. A previous version of the dust bag is navy blue with Prada printed in gold.
Prada packaging - Some Prada bags come in a clear plastic bag with a draw string closure. It has the Prada logo on the front, and a sticker that matches exactly the paper card we described above. It should have the same serial numbers and be set up in the same way as the paper card. Other Pradas will come in a textured white bag with a sticker that matches the interior card.
Prada lining - Prada has a very distinct lining design. First off, it looks and feels very elegant. It has rows of the design with the 'PRADA' name right side up on one row, then upside down on the next. It will typically come in a color that blends with the exterior of the bag. The interior pockets will be lined with this material as well.
The famous Prada logo - The logo states simply, 'PRADA MADE IN ITALY'. Again, notice the all capital letters. Most bags will feature the Prada triangular logo plaque on the outside, usually in the center on the front, or on the side of the bag. Some styles will have the logo in the back. You can feel that the letters and symbols on the plaque are slightly raised. The interior Prada metal plaque is typically rectangular and should be attached to the lining on all sides. The main color of the plaque should match or be very close to the color of the lining. The color on the rim of the plaque (gold or silver) should match the color of the hardware of the bag.
The Prada zippers - Prada products will have zippers from one of the following manufacturers or perhaps a combination of them in the same bag. Lampo (with and without the signature lightning bolt), YKK, RIRI, Opti, and IPI. We've seen Prada bags without any identifying markings on the zipper as well. Newer Prada styles have mostly metal zippers on the outside and inside. But don't be alarmed if you buy an older style that has a plastic zipper.
What we've described above are the common features of a Prada bag. Beyond that Prada has made so many different designs that describing the features of each handbag or tote would require its own website. Prada has an array of backpacks, waist totes, laptop bags, and messenger bags. Some of these styles are made with Vela nylon or Tessuto microfiber which are both of excellent quality. These styles are great for someone who is rough on a bag or will be exposing it to the elements.